Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West Hong Chi Morninghope School
Parent Information
In order to promote close communication between schools and parents, encourage parents to understand the "Hong Kong National Security Law", actively cooperate with schools and strengthen cooperation with teachers, help students understand national security and related laws with a positive attitude, and enhance students' awareness of national security and law-abidingness. Therefore, the Hong Kong Education Bureau has specially produced a leaflet "Parents Need to Know: Strengthening Home-School Cooperation and Promoting Children's Understanding of National Security" to let parents understand the role they should play in supporting schools' national security education work.
To provide high-quality and safe services for students who need to take the school bus.
School Bus Service Provider:
Apart from the three 29-seat school buses, to meet the demand of service request, our school will continue to use the school bus rental service provided by Wai Ming Travel this year.
School Bus Service :
Routes and School bus stops
The school bus routes, bus stops and the pick-up/drop-off time are arranged at the end of each school year with the consideration of the students' residential areas and resources. The number of bus stops are optismised so that the travel time of students can be minimised.
Service Reservation for the next academic year
To reserve the school bus service for a new academic year, parents have to fill out "School Bus Service" Form at the end of each school year to indicate the preferences.
Students who intend to continue to use the school bus service in the new academic year must submit the school bus fee for September, five working days before the end of August. For P.1 students, new students, and other students who wish to apply for the school bus service in the new academic year, please consult the school social workers. Allocation can only be made if there are seats available.
Fee Payment
The school bus fee can be paid by autopay, local bank transfer, cheque, or cash. For efficiency and accuracy, parents are advised to pay the school bus fees via autopay. For payment by cheque, the cheque should be payable to: “The Incorporated Management Committee of Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West Hong Chi Morninghope School”. Please write the student’s name and parent’s phone number at the back of the cheque.
Cancellation of School Bus Service During the School Year
For cancellation of the school bus service during the school year, parents are required to complete and submit the “Application Form for Changing of School Bus Service” at least three weeks before the last day the students taking the school bus. Please contact the class teachers for the Form. The seat will be offered to another student on the school bus service waiting list.
School Bus Arrangement
The information of each bus stop and the forms related to school bus service:
Parent Teacher and Staff Association
To strengthen the parent volunteer team and offer volunteer training courses.
To improve parent-child relationships by organizing family activities.
To promote and participate in community education to raise public awareness and improve public acceptance of people with intellectual disabilities.
To promote Home-School Cooperation.
Expectations and Beliefs:
To be student-oriented.
To act as the bridge between parents and school.
To keep abreast of current ideas or developments.
To encourage more parents to participate.
To collaborate with the school in its development.
Work Structure:
Organisation Structure:
第二十三屆家教會幹事職位名單:(Chinese Version Only)
- 顧 問 :邱信儀校長
主 席 :楊佩儀女士(P5A 文承天家長)
副主席 :周玉君女士(仁班 陳夢晴家長)
義務秘書 :陳婉華女士(P3A 陳慕曦家長)
義務司庫 :黃小銘女士(S2B 鍾汶珊家長)
聯絡幹事 :李杏花女士(S3B 陳卓朗家長)
2023-2024 Meal Arrangements:
Lunch boxes are provided by Luncheon Star (Asia Pacific Catering).
In order to enhance the efficiency of administrative work and to promote environmental protection, the school has decided to use "electronic circulars" instead of printed ones. We hope that parents can cooperate with the development of the school and sign the electronic notices on time.
Using electronic notices, parents can review and sign school notices with the electronic notice system in "eClass" App. If parents want to get a hard copy of the school notices, please contact our social worker or your child’s class teacher.
Below is the link to download the "eClass" App:
Below is the link to download the "eClass Parent" App:
Here are the steps to install the eClass Parent App and use electronic notifications:
Our school organises different activities to establish a close co-operative relationship with our parents. It is hoped that with a positive partnership with the parents, we can improve the development of our students in their different developmental stages. We also hope to promote whole-person development of our students, and they can grow healthy and happy.
Organising family activities, such as family trips, Christmas party, family volunteer services, etc.;
Organising parent volunteers activities, such as elderly visits;
Organising thematic seminars for parents to enrich their skills and promote positive attitudes in parenting, and to focus on the development of their children in different aspects;
Organising interest classes, so that parents can get to know each other, share their experiences and support one another.
舉辦日期:2024年7月7日 活動內容:本校邀請了為人熟悉的「十優港姐」麥明詩媽媽 ─ 麥何小娟女士到校分享 ,但她其實亦是資深職業治療師 ,擁有超過35年為有特殊教育需要的兒童及青少年提供專業服務的經驗 。她曾在香港教育大學擔任客席講師 ,並獲多間學校和機構邀請主持家長講座,分享她豐富的育兒心得和實踐經驗 。她將與各位家長分享教養心得,讓孩子奠定良好的基礎。
舉辦日期:2024年5月12日 地 點:中環海濱長廊 - 香港摩天輪 活動內容:於母親節當日,安排家長及子女一同乘坐摩天輪,欣賞維港景色,參與的家庭更獲得精美禮物及書券,大家還一起享用麥當勞巨無霸餐,共度了一個愉快及輕鬆的母親節。
舉辦日期:2024年3月 活動內容:為了讓家長對自己身心靈的照顧,因此舉行了一系列的舒壓活動,包括「Jelly Cake立體果凍工作坊」和「花藝工作坊」,家長反應熱烈,當中有80%家長是首次參與學校活動,接近100%家長表示活動有助舒照顧壓力,並促進家長身心健康。
舉辦日期:2023-2024年度 活動內容:透過義工培訓,鼓勵家長到校擔任義工,提升家長對學校的歸屬感,例如於午膳時間看顧學生,午膳後為學生進行不同類型的活動,豐富學生的學習經歷。
舉辦日期:2024年3月8日及3月15日 活動內容:職業訓練局轄下之展亮技能發展中心,專為15歲或以上殘疾人士提供職業訓練以協助他們公開就業,藉著「展亮技能發展中心開放日」,社工與家長分別在3月8日到(觀塘-九龍塘暫遷校舍)及在3月15日到(薄扶林)校舍參觀,透過實地參觀及導賞員的介紹,讓家長認識中心的校園環境及所提供的職業訓練課程,當天家長都表示對職業訓練中心提供的課程有了初步的認識。
舉辦日期:2024年3月5日 活動內容:在子女的成長路上,家長有否遇到他們疑問一些令你尷尬或難以處理的性問題。本校邀請香港家庭計劃指導會的資深導師,為家長講解家庭性教育的重要,掌握與子女談性之重點,建立談性的信心及良好的親子溝通技巧。當中超過90%家長表示此講座增加了他們對性教育內容的認識及令他們更有信心與子女談性。
舉辦日期:2024年2月27日 活動內容:為了幫助家長義工提升推行義工活動的技巧,校方安排了一個流體畫工作坊,讓家長能學習有關流體畫製作的技巧。在午膳後小息時,他們可以和學生一起製作流體畫。感謝家長義工於3月21日到校教授學生流體畫,他們的知識回饋,讓學生們也能享受到這項活動的樂趣。